Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Hello from India!

I'm sitting in my hotel in Kerala, India. Mark left on Sunday and I came down here for a Tourism Australia Mission. We spent the week in 2 different areas of Bombay, looking for our new home. This is the most expensive city I have ever had to pay rent in. Luckily my work will pay rent as my salary is almost the rent. seriously, it is cheaper to stay at a 5 star hotel than rent a fairly average apartment. We aren't looking for Taj Mahal apartments either. Tiny galley kitchens, for the servants to work in, with little cuboards for them to sleep in! - not that we'll have a servant. Massive bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms for all the extended families to live in and living areas that are sized dependant on the amount of bedrooms. ...... I don't know how poor slum dwellers ever can leave the slum and move up. Mark was pleasantly surprised at this incredibly diverse amazing city. It helps to expect the worst. It's fun, filthy, feisty and full on. We think we've found an apartment, near the beach, that has a spare room or 2 or 3 for you all to stay. It's a little bit out of the main area (Colaba etc), but its quiet and village like. There are cows, goats and donkeys competing with auto rickshaws endless taxis and a hell of a lot of traffic. It's also near the Marriott, so if we need some western familiarity - it's a walk along the beach. Dave & Jo Shaw have said they'll be here for New Years and the invitation is extended to you all.......

I come home 2 October and begin the process of packing up Annerley, say goodbye to my soul mate - Sox - say goodbye to BrisVegas and a seeya to all of you, Mark will finally resign and start his business here and India will be home for awhile. It is really a surreal time.

Sigining off now......



Borgus Erectus said...

what an incredible journey you two are about to embark on... Surreal is an appropriate word, Bizarre is another that comes to mind...
Brissie just wont be the same without you two...
Mybe less smelly judging from the photo below...
The Fixers are certainly spreading themselves around:
Rusty n' Shazzy - Bombay, India
Bear n' Mez - London, UK
Breeza n' Col - Tipperary, Ireland
Ash n' Smoke - Booneys, Canada

Borgus Erectus said...

Rusty n' Shazzy - What the fark?? Is she taking herself?? Airhead Erectus... Make that
Markus n' Rusty
Sorry Markus. Obviously mornings dont suit me

shagga said...

what do you mean you won't have a servant? I was going to come and visit you on my way through asia next year based on the premise that i would have a manservant at my disposal while i was there..
i just don't know now..

Anonymous said...

Hey rusty.... send us some hashish wouldya.

Isa Breeza said...

Rusty! How time is flying. I cant believe you are already packing up and we are already settled in Ireland. Can someone stop the clock for a little while? New years in India sounds very exciting...
Lots of love to you!!!

upinashnsmoke said...

Shaz and Mark, wicked wicked wicked. It will have to be a magic carpet to make New Years but my thoughts will be with you both. Sounds like you'll be there for a while hay, so there's plenty of time. No cow tipping late in the night drunk, OK !!!

Anonymous said...

Poor mutant. You should have included him borgus....