Saturday, March 01, 2008


Well, you gotta love that horizontal stuff but its time to go vert.... Despite the continuous rain the rammed earth contractors managed to find the dry space to start on our walls. If you look at the below picture there are three types of earth on the site. They mix 5 bobcat bucket loads of the compacted whitegravel with one load of the yellow gravel and one third of the red dirt to get the right mix and colour. The colour will change as the concrete, which is mixed in low amounts, cures but we absolutely love the finished product. These walls will divide the bedrooms from the living areas.
The rammed earth walls are 300mm thick and the the boys will spray a sealant on it at the very end .....and thats it - you never need to do anything to it ever again. The Morracan rammed earth walls have been standing tall for centuries so I figure these walls will be the last thing standing if ever there was something to happen. In the winter our house is designed so that the sun (which sits lower in the sky) will hit the rammed earth walls and heat up the house throughout the day and night. In the summer (when the sun sits higher in the sky) our house is designed so the sun is blocked from hitting the walls. The walls in turn will keep the house cool - pretty cool eh......?
So we got to have a go at the rammers which are driven by compressed air. I reckon the bloke next to me is a dead ringer for Bear when he had his locks. He even had the same mannerisms - sunglasses on the head, hand on the hips and durry in his mouth.. haha .... he was a dude as well...

so there you go--- continuations....... it's all happening...

1 comment:

Mick Messer said...

walls look great. drove past the other day so you know who is responsible for the graffiti tag..