Monday, February 18, 2008


well.... after a very long time in waiting it has finally happened........ transformation begins.. I caught up with our builder on the weekend to check out the progress on our property.

Despite the relentless rain the footings have gone in and we are ready for the rammed earth contractor who is booked to start this wednesday.. you can see the slab that the rammed earth wall will sit on in the above picture.

The above picture is our driveway and carport. The builder and I are up the back standing on what will be our bedroom.

Another shot of the work in progress. all the work is horizontal at the moment but I am told within 1.5 weeks there will be no less than four carpenters working on site most days...


Anonymous said...

ahh yes, the days where all the work was horizontal only.. I remember them, they were special... v. exciting progress tyler.. i will be round to inspect shortly... well realatively shortly... put the kettle on..

Mick Messer said...

awesome, finally started looks gr8

Anonymous said...

love that horizontal stuff too

Anonymous said...

Am so happy for you guys - many good times to come I'm sure. Congratulations!!!!


Anonymous said...

i will check it out in 72 days. cant wait!
Breeza xoxo

Anonymous said...

horizontal ?? aint that vertical..?? great stuff but do you think 300mm will keep the wildlife out?
where do you poo??