Thursday, August 30, 2007


G'Day Kiddos,

It's been a tad quiet on this site of recent. I guess that's because there are a cuppla other sights worth checking out:

FACEBOOK - http://www.facebook.com/
Most of you are on it but if you're not then get with the picture and get into it. Its loads of fun and of course the opportunity of touching base with someone you thought was lost from your spectrum of being.

LAST - http://www.last.fm/
This really is a fascinating site - especially for all you musak buffs. The programme attaches to your iTunes and keeps an eye on what your listening to. You can then head to your profile and get recomendations and playlists from other users who are into the same thing as you. For those of you who dont keep musak on the computer you can still make up a profile, type in a group/record etc and get recomendations on other musak. A great source.... and loads of fun for the cyber surfer.... Bear, Mickus, Markus & Hound, dont waste time boys - get into it

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