Wednesday, July 18, 2007

she said...... YES!!!

On my 37th birthday on the 17th day of the 7th month of the 7th year of 2000 in the 7th hour of the evening just after a candle lit dinner I asked Sally McSweeney to marry me.....

And she said YES........


Anonymous said...

Oh wow guys....congrats...that's great news!!! Burgs & Si x

Mick Messer said...

Fantastic, congratulations, awesome, brilliant, wicked.

Sally Erectus, sounds cool.

Mick Messer said...

and seven days after the fix's birthday

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful union, we are so happy for both of you. Congratulations, Love Paul & Kym xox

Anonymous said...

nice one bruvva and sista ... how bloody exciting... i'm too excited for you to think of anything sensible to write on here...

Rusty said...

So happy for you both, so romantic Tyles! Sal, let's see a pic of the ring on the blog!

Love you lots and miss you heaps....

Anonymous said...

it's always about the ring isn't rusty. surely Sal won't want a picture of her ring on the www.
but massive congrats to you both. it was only a matter of time before he got on his knees. onya borgus.

Rusty said...

I live in India - the burning ring of fire - is always on the brain.

Besides, I hear Sal's ring has a burning Sri Lankan flavour, designed by TW.

Show us ya ring!!!

Rusty said...

I live in India - the burning ring of fire - is always on the brain.

Besides, I hear Sal's ring has a burning Sri Lankan flavour, designed by TW.

Show us ya ring!!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!.....Yo've brought a tear to my eye. I am also too excited to think of anything sensible to say other than this is the best news I've heard for a while!
Love Manta

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!.....Yo've brought a tear to my eye. I am also too excited to think of anything sensible to say other than this is the best news I've heard for a while!
Love Manta

Borgus Erectus said...

thanks guys.... i think i need a long drink.. make it a double...

Anonymous said...

like these double messages...

Anonymous said...

right fucking on
yeah that's right..."right fucking on!!!" sweet as.
Super cool and best to you both, nothing much changes apart from the ball and chain round Sal neck. Happy birthday Tyler nothing like wrapping your own prezzy, now be very careful, it's loaded!!!! all the love and waiting for our first toast.

Anonymous said...

Tyler & Sal,

Congratulations all the way from Moscow! Fantastic news I wish you all the best and know you will get it!!!


Anonymous said...

congrats guys! Will be nice to have you in the club. Mez x

Anonymous said...

yeah Sal ... show us yer ring !!! ... I've already said my piece in Vegas but congrats again .. hd

Anonymous said...

diddledoodoodoo... another one bites the dust.