I'm just testing this out, have wanted to blog for ages, but always forget my password or the access details...so here goes:
When you're dead you're dead - so become an organ donor.
It's easy and don't forget to tell family & friends
(By the way Mark, I'm a donor)
Australia is one of the worst donor countries in the 1st world. You may need my liver one day...or I may need yours. Let's help each other and give the gift of life.
(I work in advertising).
Problem is, most fixers organs are shot to pieces. Cant imagine anyone wanting my liver....
Im in... Have been a donor for years but I tend to agree with anon and often wonder which of my vital organs are still a viable product to the needy...??
Or kidneys. Or lungs....
i'm a donor shazza.. reagrdless of the fact that i actually already have fucked my lungs (TB) ... my liver (taking drugs while taking proper doctor like drugs, i think they call it medication, for TB) and have a weird, rare disease that no one can explain (lipoatrophy of legs - come on, you've all noticed).... yep, as far as i'm concerned if they actually still want it - they can have it...
I had a donor kebab last night, and it was delicious.
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