Wednesday, July 26, 2006


There's dirtiness in this photo.... Believe me there is.....
What is Breeza saying to Hound???
Place your quote in "comments" and the best wins a bottle of wine..
Good Luck....


Anonymous said...

"hey houndog, I didn't realise you were so big" she says holding his willy while he pisses...

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure if your entry counts hound, as you are in the actual photo...
could we have some clarification on this please borg?

Borgus Erectus said...

Yes, I do believe that Hound and Breeza are exempt from this competition.... They actually know the low down... or do they?

dj_savvy_b said...

"I think we need to get you off those meds...."

Anonymous said...

a classic front runner by the moscowmutant!!

Anonymous said...

nice one ellie!

Anonymous said...

Drewfus asks Breezer to find out the name of the chick in front of him....
A minute later she returns....
"It's a 5 year old Bassat Hound, her name is Betty, you can have a chop, but it'll cost ya 20 bucks"

Anonymous said...

Breezer: "Whats that stupid looking rug doing on your head?"

Hound: "What? You don't think it looks natural??"

Anonymous said...

"Got enny more?" says the stunning german...

Anonymous said...

"I think your double chin looks cute Houndie"

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.