Monday, May 29, 2006

Bush & Blair Admit Itaq Mistakes - SORT OF

President bush recently admitted he made mistakes in Iraq. Interestingly the two admitted mistakes are as follows:

1. Not using sophisticated enough language refering to his "Dead or Alive" comment concerning the capture of Osama bin Ladin. His "Bring it on" comment aimed at Iraqi forces was the other example the President admitted was a mistake.

2. Abu Ghraib.

Bush's first admiited mistake of antagonistic schoolboy bullying language seems to me, not to be a mistake in the War in Iraq but a PR mistake in the image of the Presidency and thus those aligned with the United States of America.

His second mistake, Abu Ghraib. Was the mistake the torture that was inflicted on the prisoners or was the mistake that the world got to see the evidence.

How about admitting the mistake of entering a war against the wishes of the United Nations on dumb intelligence refering to weapons of mass destruction that resulted in an unjust war responsible for

2464 American deaths
18000 - 480000 american injuries
37972 - 42346 Iraqi civilian casualties


Anonymous said...

Touche Mickus, couldna said it better myself...


Anonymous said...

I hate NSW..