Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Album Review - Fabriclive 09

To my ears this is the most varied mix yet from Fabric, with Monsieur Lu Cont exploring the depths of electro house, breakbeat and soundtrack. On paper it ought not to work, but when listened to as a whole it all makes perfect sense.

The opening from Mirwais gets us started on an electro trip, and after tracks from Risan, Tom Tom Club and Chicken Lips (see what I mean?!) the Steve Miller Band's jaunty 'Abracadabra' gets the party up and running. Lu Cont then blends this perfectly into the hypnotic 'Give It Up' from Crazy Penis (remixed by Laid). If it's more quality house you're after, look no further than Tom Symmons' 'S&M'. If it's more old-school there's the excellent Hypnolove and Zoot Woman rocking the joint. We even get a shot of classical from Richard Strauss (his theme for 2001) where Lu Cont almost loses the plot, before somehow mixing out of this with Eurythmics' 'Sweet Dreams'. Closing with a bit of a rock fest, he employs Devo, Junior Sanchez and The Pixies.

This is almost a who's who of Lu Cont's influences, and he's somehow made it into a hugely enjoyable, coherent whole.

Currentlly being played by both the Paddington Possee and Cottenham Crew, so if this interests you, you know what to do.

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